Adding new Round-Trip
Access "Round-Trips" from the left menu, and click on the "+ New Round-Trip" button on the top of the page.
Countries: Select the countries involved in the round-trip.
KM/Per month: Enter the number of kilometers per month for the round-trip.
EUR/km: Enter the offered price per kilometer for the round-trip.
Price is: Select if the price is net or gross.
Price includes: Select if the price includes all inclusive or road tax.
Payment due: Enter the payment due date for the round-trip.
Payment after receiving document: Select if the payment is to be made after receiving a copy or original document.
Truck type needed: Select the type of truck needed for the round-trip (EUR3, EUR4, EUR5, EUR6 or more).
Trailer rent: Select if trailer rent is offered.
Skonto payment: Select if skonto payment is offered.
Pallet exchange: Select if pallet exchange is offered.
Fuel Card Possibility: Select if a fuel card is offered.
Body Type: Select the type of body needed for the round-trip.
Requirements for Carrier: Select the requirements for the carrier for the round-trip.
Route description: Enter a brief description of the route for the round-trip.
Cancel: Click to cancel the round-trip creation process.
Create: Click to create the new round-trip.
Required fields are: Countries, KM/Per month, EUR/km
Edit Round-trip
To edit an existing round-trip:
Navigate to the "Round-Trips" page, locate the round-trip you wish to edit, open it
Click on the Pen icon on the top right corner of the post.
You will be prompted with the same form as when creating a new round-trip, and you can make the necessary changes and save them.
Alternatively, you can also navigate to the "Dashboard" from the left sidebar menu and then click on the "Vehicles" option. This will show a list of all the Round-Trip posts that you have created. You can locate the post that you want to edit and then click on the Pen icon to make the necessary changes. Remember to click on "Save" button after making changes.
Also when editing a post you have the option to save it as a new post. In case you have the same/similar round-trip and just need to update a couple of fields.
Last updated