Filters & Sorting
Last updated
Last updated
Vehicles: Country from&to by country code or by searching by radius, Body Type, Type of Load, Loading Position, Total LDM, Loading dates
Freights: Country from&to by country code or by searching by radius, Body Type, Type of Load, Loading Position, Total LDM, Loading dates
Round-trips: Countries, KM/Per Month, EUR/km, Truck type, Body Type, Requirements for Carrier
Marketplace: Product Category, Vehicle Manufacturer, Vehicle Type, Year, Mileage, Price
Navigate to the page you need "Freights, Vehicles, Round-trips, Marketplace"
Click on the "Filters" button on the top right corner to open the filter options
Select the filters that you want to apply to your search
Filters will be automatically applied
To clear filters, click on the "Clear" button
(For Vehicles, Freights only) To save filters, enter a name for the filter, and then click on "Save". To use saved filters, click on the filter you want to apply.
To edit or delete saved filters, click on the "Pen icon/Trash" button.
To use the sorting functionality, navigate to the page you want to sort "Freights, Vehicles, Round-Trips". Click on the table header that you'd like to sort by ( Loading date, Weight, LDM | Price/KM, Distance ), after you've clicked on the table header, arrows will show up. That means that the table is now active and can be sorted with the arrows.
When activating a header, click on the most important one first, before activating other columns to sort by. It works in the order of importance.
With this feature, users can select whether they want to receive daily or weekly emails, and choose a specific time and day to receive them. If notifications are enabled, users will also receive notifications on their computers and phones. This feature is designed to keep users up-to-date on the latest freights & vehicles that match their criteria.